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Shilashwa is useful for Diabetic Neuropathy. Low sex drive and General weakness due to Diabetes imrpoves the health of sick people.
Shilashwa maintains the health of healthy people and also improves the health of the sick.
Shilashwa is used for the patients suffering from Osteoarthritis. It is a good supplement to the body after the age 40. To keep fit your health-Shilashwa is strongly recommended,Take it daily.
Shilashwa capsule is a combination of Shilajit, Ashwagandha and Rasyan ( Amla Gokhru and Giloy).
Shilajit is a well known Aphrodisiac, immune modulator and energy booster. Shilajit rejuvenates the body cells, improves Metabolism & very good in Diabetic patients.
Ashwgandha is also Aphrodisiac, immune modulator and energy booster.
So the combination is perfect for rejuvenation, to slow down the aging process, and to improve immunity.
Shilashwa is rejuvenative , feeling fresh Shilashwa is beneficial to all.
Dose: 1 capsule Twice a day.
Pack: 30 cap.