Guggul has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic medical system for centuries and has been studied extensively in India. Guggul botanically known as Commiphora Mukul, it is from the Burseraceae family, and commonly known as Commiphora Mukul, Guggul and Balsamodendrom Mukul.
Guggul is a very valuable herbal preparation . It is widely used for obesity and cholesterol. It is also known as a fat burning agent all over the world. Guggul is a very important and trustworthy herb in ayurvedic medicine. Basically it is used almost in every kind of illness due to its amazing treating power.
It is one of the oldest and most famous herbs in ayurvedic medicine. Guggul contains strong purifying and rejuvenating properties and its lipid regulating. Our Shriji Herbal Products have many types of guggul – like – Gokshuradi guggul, Kaishor guggul, Kanchnar guggul, Mahayograj guggul, Rasnadi guggul ,Yograj guggul etc.